Monday, May 2, 2016

Rencontre Nationale

Rencontre Nationale April 14-17th
In April, all those who are involved with the GBU came together to a national conference in Lyon. There were about thirty people who came a day earlier to the Journée Bonus (extra day), which based on the theme of the Resurrection of Jesus. I really enjoyed the messages that also inspired and gave us hope that is based of the work of Christ on the cross.

M.Sophie R. Lauricia
During the conference, there were only about 130 people, less than last year. The theme was “Heaven”; our speaker based his two messages on Revelation, using Old and New Testament references to show us what hope we have in the life to come. We had time together to share news of what’s going on in other region. So much happens in Paris compared to other regions. I hate to compare but there are more activities in the big cities. It’s always encouraging to hear what is happening in the small cities, everything happens by God’s grace.

Our team did a stand, which allowed students to learn more about IFES, the international organization that includes GBU France, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship USA and 156 other member countries. It’s always surprising to find out how little the students know about their association on an international level. We made a quiz that turned out to be quite difficult but people had fun even though they didn’t win.

4 Americans out of 130 people (they all speak French)
There was a time to vote in new leaders in the different regions and hear their motivation for why they want to get more involved. We saw the budget for this year and the next year, which seems to be ambitious but possible. We heard news of what’s happening in the Middle East. It’s amazing to hear that God is working despite the harsh condition, extreme Islamic states and war-torn countries. Nothing is impossible for our God!

Yvette, med student in Montpellier
Marie & Cécile
Susan & Sophie preparing the stand
I am always amazed to see student involvement in the GBU; on a national scale it’s even more inspiring. Students could be doing other things with their time, yet they choose to come hear about their Father in heaven and his love for them. Everyone is always so enthusiastic and full of good humor. It’s just another sign that God’s love transforms our lives and sets us apart.

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