Sunday, May 20, 2012

Back from my break

I know it's been quite a while since my last post. For most, time seems so little and there is so much to do. Actually, I should be doing more and my time seems limitless. I have stepped into an alternate reality where I am breezing through life and not in a rush to catch up with the rest.

So what's new with me? Well I have finished my second and final semester of french classes. When I was finished I was hoping to get a baguette and a beret. These days students get a piece of paper, which kind of resembles a diploma. I guess it will have to do. My most recent projects include more learning so I can teach english better and the hopes of a job.

I don't seem to have many words to share so I will make this one short. Hopefully it will keep you wanting more. I will add some photos from some recent trips around France and some other random images.
