Friday, April 26, 2013

How to obtain a visa

How a person may obtain permission to live in France, and most other western European countries:

  1. Student visa: This is the easiest way to have a visa. You choose to study and apply to any school you like. Success rate: High
  2. Work visa: This is the most difficult way to have a visa. You must be able to preform a job no  french person can do, meaning you have to be very specialized. Success rate: Low
  3. Marriage visa: This is an ideal way for some people to have a visa, yet not so easy. Finding someone to marry is key, being committed for the rest of your life would be another challenge all together. Success rate: Uncertain
My recommendations:
All options are possible but none are ideal. Finding a place to live and having to battle with permission to stay is tiring and frustrating. I recommend having a concrete plan and sticking to it. If it doesn't work, then it's not meant to be, therefore return to your country and try another method. In all circumstances, enjoy your stay to the fullest and don't let the administrative stuff get you down. Respect the rules as much as possible.
Worshipping and enjoying life in Nantes
Wondering what lies next...