Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Happy December! It's been a long time since I have posted about my adventures in Nantes. I hope this one gives you some perspective and makes you feel a little uncomfortable...

Awkward. It's a word that we use in uncomfortable situations. At times I feel my life is surrounded by the awkward. For me, avoiding the awkwardness is almost impossible. Recently I have been trying to embrace the awkward. My friend Holly has a hand gesture to communicate that a situation is awkward. She is like me and finds herself in awkward moments all the time.

One day while I was walking to a restaurant, I held up my hand in the air for no reason. When we passed a bar while walking and this man waved at me. So I thought that I should wave back. The awkwardness came when we had to pass by the same place again only minutes later. I hoped he wouldn't come out.

More awkward moments:
-Strange frenchman hitting on me in bars, on the street or in other public areas..
-People staring when I speak english with my friends
-Giving the bises (kiss for greeting) but accidentally nose rubbing
-Inappropriate sex talk
-The french critiquing americans
-Little boys peeing in public without warning
-Men peeing in public like little boys
-Not knowing someone's name when they just said yours
-Brutal honesty: the bitter, honest truth (no one really wants to know)
-Fanny packs
-People noticing me sing out of tune
-Sweat pants