Thursday, May 20, 2021

Online meetings

Not too long ao, I was amazed recently to see a student show up to an online meeting. Since the beginning of not being able to meet in person, we have lost many students. She was quite adament to not go to online meetings. For her it was either meeting in person or not at all. I completey respected her choice. If I have the choice, I probably would have done the same.

When started to do outings in the park, more students came than to online meetings. This wasn't a surprise. However, I was surprised to see that new students came and the one who disappeared didn't.

I keep a file of pics of our online meetings and in person. Both are valuable. I enjoy every moment that we can meet especially when it comes to interacting with God's word and sharing our thoughts. There is so much to learn and I feel like I've been growing even in adveristy (or challenges of living in times of COVID).