Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mon Défi

Ce soir je suis aller...

This evening I went on a mission. I have a défi, which is a challenge to take a photo for mon cours d'analyse image. Each week we have a thème différent. Alors je vais chercher(I go looking for), the perfect shot. I always have beaucoup de choix because I don't want to take juste one. I took some au centre ville mais I wasn't satisfé. Je suis rentrée home only to depart again and go stake out a boulangerie. I have to mention my thème est français. It's a sujet général avec beaucoup de possibilités.

Here is the one I took.

It was taken in front of a memorial that says « À la Mémoire des Nantais mort pour La France » This means « In memory of the Nantais who died for France ». I like this photo because I had perfect timing. The woman walking is directly under le drapeau. Je pense à comment la Frace takes good care of her people both vivant et mort. They have great social security and other social bénéfaits, si non, il y a un gréve (if not there is a strike). The flag it over the people, but it's the people who support la republique.

This semestre has been great so far. Not that I didn't like my other semestre, but this one is different. Mes professeurs all appear to be enjoying what they do, therefore I am more engaged. De plus, I am more confident to participate, and then later I seek further knowledge. I have been so inspired and passionate each day. At the end if the day, I hunger for what the next day will bring.

I have yet to decide on how I will survive my next year in France, still I am hoping and praying to find a means to stay. How long will I stay? Aucune idée! (No idea!) I have been thinking about teaching...

This is one of my Wow! This is breathe-taking photos.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


I have to admit that living in France has encouraged something I have always enjoyed doing. Now this will be awkward. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be any fun.
Kissing. Primarily considered among most as an exchange between lovers. Not the case for me. I kiss people I like and care about. It's normal, a form of affection. I would kiss everyone if I could! Now I know not everyone is comfortable with the exchange due to certain experiences and/or personal hygiene. As a result, I decided to be selective.

Kisses vary with every relationship. The way I kiss my mom is different from the way I kiss a friend or love interest. Kissing is deep and complex. I am intrigued by the wonders of kissing and what it implies. There is always something you can communicate through a kiss. "I love you," is the obvious message I hope most can distinguish. However, one could say "nice to see you", "great meeting you", "it was great spending time with you", "I'm glad you are in my life", "I care about you," "you make me happy", "thank you", "you saved my life", "I want you", "I need you", "wow!" and so on. Whether you know exactly what is implied is not always clear, but you can easily discover the awkwardness, which is most important.

A kiss is something exchanged between both men and women, but it is best to be cautious. Normally I consider the relationship a person has with me. A kiss means so much to me. It's not to be taken lightly. A kiss is intentional. If I gave away kisses all the time, it would not be so special. I would be a kissing slut who deserves no respect. So even when I say that I delight in a kiss, there is always much to be considered when I give one away.

The kisser in France: moi. I don't just give out kisses to anyone. In France, you meet people and they kiss you, which is why it is absolutely necessary to associate with the right people that you can trust. So when it comes to being introduced to their friends, you won't be in uncomfortable situations. I have done the best I can, but no one is perfect.

Helpful words:
Bisou-a kiss
bisous/bses (short version)- kisses
embrasser- to kiss, to embrace
braiser-to kiss or have sex