Wednesday, September 28, 2011



I have officially been living in France for one month. There are so many things I have accomplished since then. I want to boast of my achievements on this auspicious occasion.

I found a place to live.

I brought a mobile phone, and later I figured out how listen to my voicemail.

I have full conversations en français which proves my fluency is just around the corner.

I have completed four and a half weeks of les cours français, in a level higher than expected.

I have an appointment for a bank account. So close!

I am pushing my limits and achieving much more than I have ever expected.

I am overcoming discouragement and frustration day after day... Yeah!

And, I am even more motivated by this post!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!

This is quite an auspicious occasion. It's my 29th birthday! I have not ever put up a post on my birthday so this one better be good.

This has to be one of the most special birthdays I have ever had. First of all because I am in France and secondly I am living one of my greatest dreams. Today doesn't feel real. I am in between reality and a dream. I am not sure if I have woken up today. Things seem hazy like the entire scene has been sketched out loosely. I find myself staring into blank space. Partially because I sometimes don't understand what people are saying, and the other reason is my dream-like state of mind. Today was everything I wanted. I had a nice meal and everyone spoke in french around me while I mostly listened and responded to questions.

I decided to make a savory tart for "mon anniversaire". The recipe was entirely in french and I thought I could figure it out. I picked fresh herbs from the garden and brought fresh veggies at the Saturday market. I found that it was a bit difficult but thanks to the kindness of Annie, she assisted very well. I even was able to make a apple tart for dessert. Everything tasted good, but next time I will go bigger and better. This is just the beginning.

**My birthday wish of myself is to be more courageous and speak french. It doesn't matter what comes out, as long as it's french!**

Thursday, September 1, 2011

First Impressions

Nantes is amazing! I know these words don't express what I mean, but that's all I got. All the buildings are ancient, yet they seem to be aging slowing. By the way, I'm in love with the architecture. What really drives me mad is people seem so unaffected by their surroundings. All of this is normal to them and to me this is most beautiful scenery I have even seen. It's not normal to live in this everyday. In most places you have to travel miles outside normal life for this kind of experience. The streets are clean and everyone looks good. I am physically stunned to be here. It feels like I dream every time I go outside. Somebody pinch me already...

Now I am going to be honest. Part of me is scared. Basically I am not proficient with the language, my US dollars are losing their worth daily, and I have no idea what I am getting into. There is this tiny part of me saying: 'Get out now! Go get a job! Are you insane?' I know it's going to be really difficult for me here. Still that small part on me is minute compared to the joyous, excitement that yearns to be thrilled. Uncertainty is what drives me. My happiness has no bounds. I always knew when I went back to school I would be certain. The truth is, I have not been more certain about anything in a long time. I want to be here, there is no where else I should be. I wish I could be more excited but I'm just so darn tired!